Similar words: balanced, in advance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, a piece of, in place of, take notice of.

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121. You run the risk of upsetting the balance of nature, or physics, or whatever.
122. Note that the lower interest rate causes a capital account deficit on the balance of payments as people buy foreign assets.
123. It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems.
124. However, there is a reasonable balance of characterization between them.
125. There are warnings that the building of the dam will upset the ecological balance of the river basin.
126. Finally, the reforms aimed to shift the balance of power in determining use of resources from hospital doctors to general practitioners.
127. Also, the balance of political forces has resulted in the current policy compromise.
128. The balance of Dungannon, despite two SinnFein gains, remains 11-11 between Unionists and nationalists.
129. The politically optimal policy toward the foreigner may be precluded by the inequality of factors affecting the balance of bargaining.
130. The balance of the profit and loss account represents the net profit or loss for the accounting period.
131. Did a white-hot surge of anger and disillusion count as a mitigating circumstance, disturbing the balance of the mind?
132. As interest rates go up, the balance of advantage shifts towards holding financial assets which earn these higher interest rates.
133. This is balance of trade improving for those countries that supply other member countries with diverted imports.
134. Each reader contains two pages of activities which provide a balance of structural and communicative activities.
135. You need to learn some basic facts about nutrition and the balance of different nutrients that you need at meals.
136. The organisation was set up to deal with balance of payments and current account problems, when countries go heavily into debt.
137. Trade creation induces a rise in imports and hence induces a deficit in the balance of trade.
138. For the latter system greatly reduces the incentive to export and leads to a progressive worsening of the balance of payments.
139. With the right kind of self-certainty goes sympathy with others and a sane balance of mind.
140. Least of all do I recognise the fairness and balance of the current Tory legislation which you claim.
141. The reason was that none of these reforms shifted the balance of power within the social structure of the village.
142. Years later, I am constantly adjusting my feelings downward to achieve that fine balance of caution and melancholy. 30.
143. There was a balance of power - but there had always been a balance of power.
144. The sauce had a nice balance of basil and oil.
145. Rather it is the quality of representation resulting from the overall balance of interests.
146. Perhaps the ginseng had altered the balance of his Yin and Yang,[ of.html] which can do absolutely anything to a man.
147. Since 1969 the centrist Free Democrats have held the balance of power in the Bundestag.
148. Changes in the balance of other hormones or growth factors, which are as yet unknown, may result from fundectomy.
149. The balance of payments gets better precisely because incomes are down and people can not afford to buy imported products.
150. Does the school have the right balance of ages, abilities and genders?
More similar words: balanced, in advance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, a piece of, in place of, take notice of, take the place of, cancel, cancer, chance, dancer, stance, enhance, romance, finance, alliance, penance, distance, entrance, advanced, pittance, instance, substance, guidance, by chance, ancestor, arrogance, insurance.